(BETA1) Non-nomads stuck with nomad succession. There is now a random event for the 'Suppress Revolt' job when the marshal is stationed in a province not of his liege's culture/religion or with a province modifier which add significant revolt risk that he will get into a battle with peasant rabble, and either anger or cow the population as a result (affecting revolt risk for five years). Changed name of Finnish pagan high priest/priestess. HRE stem duchies can only be formed by non-independent rulers, and they require the control of the entire stem duchy. (BETA1) Revert Duchy CoA not working if all de-jure counties are not owned. Triggered schism game rule not working correctly for Nomads. Additionaly, decadence will be reduced more if it's high and the decision can be taken every three years instead of five. (FINAL) ERE will try to HW everyone in south-east Europea and Asia Minor first, before moving on. Nomads can now only destroy the last holding in a province when the province is of their own culture. MAJOR: The "German" culture has been entirely reworked. Added county 'Tantan' as part of the duchy Infi near the Atlas Mountains. Fixed tooltip for banish to reflect the new vanilla function. Be careful debating someone with higher Learning than you, or you may end up becoming sympathetic to THEIR religion, instead! A myriad of other new events and decisions, many of which are too minor to list here and also many of which are fixes for vanilla bugs or revisions of vanilla events & decisions to improve their function in the game. HRE rulers must have their capital in one of the HRE regions: Frisia, Germany, Lotharingia, Pomerania, Poland, Bohemia or France. Theocracies, mercenaries, and holy orders will no longer form cadet dynasties. Characters changed to their correct Anglic(English and Scots) and Celtic cultures. A lot of titular titles not being available, forcing the player to create custom titles. The papal influence costs are also outdated. CK2Plus Team, hereinafter referred to as "modder", takes no responsibility for harm done in using this mod or its installer. Emperors can no longer use 'Make Title Inheritable' decision upon themselves. I'll remove the overrides for each if/when I figure out how to do so. All empires now require a number of kingdom titles set in Empire Creation rule. This option will disappear, like other similar setup ones, after the first day of any bookmark. Adolescent romance events can now only happen once per character. Kanem Bornu Empire not creatable by Central African characters. Circle of Druids added as an electorate system for the Celtic Archdruid. Reformation event referencing reformed religion instead of the old one. NWO should no longer sometimes generate children for children, NWO should properly generate a Catholic pope and an Orthodox patriarch when selecting the "Schismatic Christians" option. 1) First find your installation directory. cultures now properly get Elective Gavelkind. Most time consuming MTTH events turned into pulsed events. Duel Engine: Reduced chance of battlefield duels to account for lower number of potential commanders in 2.4. Byzantine Subjugation CB now requires a CA of Medium or higher. The dynasty head can demand they straighten up if he has enough Piety, and should they refuse he gets the right to exile (not execute) them. (BETA1) Moved Vaspurakan Jewish holy site to Baghdad. Duel action available to characters with the Duelist trait. It cannot be inherited, even if the claim war has begun. Pechenegs are now nomadic in the Old Gods bookmark and tribal in the later bookmarks. AI is using "Celebrate Nowruz" decision even if they don't have enough money. Localizations cleaned further to localize by culture for non-temple holdings and religion for temple holdings with as few exceptions as possible, Removed most inaccurate and direct translation celtic localizations. Rapid Conquest game rule. It is available to independent feudal kings and emperors. Overhauled heresies -- conversion to heresies is not completely random, and sometimes "heretics" will actually switch to non-heretic religions within the same religion group (where it makes sense). Fixed (hopefully) the occasional liberation revolt result where province capital holdings are changed. "Challenge" event for Just trait - Personality trait events replacement event for rulers. Removed some fast-travel county connections in England. All are currently just very basic with no extra events associated. Aging represents the multifactorial decline in physiological function of every living organism. Most notable this was an issue for nations with a capital not within Europe, as those with a capital outside of it can end up with owned provinces surrounded by 'terra incognita' for the first few decades of a converted game. Celtic characters in battlefield duels are now more eager to collect the heads of opponents they judge worthy. The Chalcedonian Pope in Rome now appoints Cardinals, and is succeeded by one of them. Fixed options tooltip in child's combat training event. Added a setup option to start the game with "Ancient Religions" replacing default ones while leaving nations intact. Council of Apostles added as an electorate system for the Manichaean Archegos. Adventurers will no longer be stuck as planning adventure while incapable. After this, they will go free. Updated a number of events to use the new 'educator' scope and not break when the AI doesn't assign an actual guardian at age 6. Plus gender rule not applied for Assassins. Most major new features should work as well as they do in vanilla (which is to say that they are fairly buggy at this point). This split will affect Pontic Greeks and Sicilian Greeks. Note: Unreformed Pagans become Animists, however unreformed Zunists will become Zoroastrians and West African pagans will become Fetishist whether Reformed or not. Removed all redundant tooltips from Female Council law group. Forts are now free, but take 60 days to build (instead of 20) and have a much smaller garrison. Provinces with "wrong" culture will not prosper. do nothing). Fixed a bug which made the Ecumenical Patriarch *more* likely to refuse your coronation if he didn't hate you. Fixed the event text on the event which grants the administrator trait. Prisoner instigating challenge with an insult. Free from Captivity action available to characters with the Schemer trait. (Shouldn't actually be allowed), (BETA6) Restoring Roman Empire as Byzantium switches religion head back to pentarch in Rome, (BETA6) Emperor with Imperial administration able to refuse title inheritance after pressing the claim for the inheritor, (BETA6) Chalcedonian Pope in Rome always going independent after a regular succession, (BETA6) Trying to secretly convert a province one doesn't own never fails, (BETA6) Fixed Tantan province having "Ocean" terrain, (BETA6) Displaying "Can be Vassalized" for tributaries in the tooltip for ineligble suzerain, (BETA6) Displaying the "Demand Tribute" decision for a target that is already a tributary, (BETA6) Journey of Nerthus event chain not triggering if started in the wrong time of the year, (BETA6) Being able to vassalize religious heads using the vassalize tributary decision, (BETA6) Religious heads being unable to vassalize tributaries at all, (BETA6) Being able to demand tribute of allies, (BETA6) 3D Capital marker missing for the Zoroastrian and Kemetic religion groups, (BETA6) Roman empire restoration tooltip saying Adrianopolis duchy is required, (BETA6) Hellenic and Kemetics getting wrong "Martial Lady" trait, (BETA6) Requesting imperial marriage from the Jade Emperor canceling the "Become Married" ambition instead of completing it, (FINAL) Fictional Dukljanin dynasty used in medieval Serbia/Montenegro. "See the Realm Prosper" and "Reign in Peace for 10 years" ambition will result with reduced threat level. French Empire requires having complete control over France, Aquitaine, and either Burgundy, Brittany, Lotharingia or Frisia. Grand Tournament continuing with no participants after war has started. Fixed bug that would make some reformed pagan religion head titles be made primary even over higher-tier titles upon save. Papal Investiture now extends to all religions which use the papal succession system. Reduced frequency of mercenaries eloping with daughters and dueling with sons. East Francia should now become de jure Carolingian Empire upon its formation. The AI will no longer start claim wars or claimant revolts for titles that are currently contested in another war. Should the emperor give them a councillor or commander position -- or a title -- they'll remain away until and unless they inherit. The money will be used to buy any missing DLC for active developers of the mod. Prosperity events won't fire anymore if province owner doesn't have enough money. German and Italian cultures are split to their historical variations which can be united though special decisions and events by powerful imperial rulers. Able to build Third Temple with a non-Jewish liege. The Shiite Caliphate revolt has been made more likely to happen, and if the Imamah should vanish then the Fatimid dynasty head can step forward and assume the title. Convincing relatives to straighten up may now also be performed by any ruler who is responsible for dynasty members in their own sub-realm, and not only by the dynasty head. Distribute Holdings decision creating female temple holders for religions where it's not allowed. Remove the battery from the handle. Added a player only diplo action for the sending of semi-custom amounts of wealth. The AI will only abandon a close-relation NAP for their claim if they dislike you enough to be eligible to form a claimant faction for it. There should now be more available eligible brides in the beginning of the Charlemagne and Old Gods bookmarks. Thanks to Swampos. Israeli culture will appear in Greater Israel as a melting pot of the various Jewish cultures. Roman provincia kingdoms may now be properly formed after they have been de jure established. Bön get same patron deities as Tibetan pagans. Italian cultural empires require control of the entire cultural region or the correct culture (e.g. Advanced and Superior forts provide higher infantry defensive capability and morale. Fixed create_provincia_britannia so that it adds d_oxford and d_powys to actually be de Jure k_britannia. Removed unused inaccurate Roman Dynasty names, replaced with similar Roman gentes (family names). Fixed errors in province map - invalid colours and a shortcut through the Pyrenees. Quarantine buildings for trade posts. Croatian priests more likely to follow Latin rites. The latter can still be chosen as a regular bookmark via "Custom Game Setup", Fixed a phantom character appearing in the "High Middle Ages" era, Rulers with tributaries may now declare war on them for claims, at an extra penalty. Lowborn bastards getting legitimized and getting a dynasty other than "None". Increased population-per-empty province limit for nomads. (Non-JD court educator is paid less and gains less prestige. Everyone is back to being Scottish. When empire autodestruct mechanic triggers, non-zealous, christian or pagan rulers can choose to convert to, in ERE/LE case, majority religion of Constantinople, or in HRE case, majority religion of their capital (if that capital has correct religion). Nomads may now absorb tribal holdings held by a vassal chief in a province that is the same culture and religion (this destroys the holding). Fixed being unable to build some trade post buildings. Imperial government should now be kept if imperial title is inherited by a feudal emperor. It's there. Fixed sainthood events AGAIN (previous fix was accidentally reverted). Adopting the "Old Ways" events should now allow a secret conversion. Dutch Empire only creatable by Dutch and Flemish characters. These will give them a bonus to their traits, and also prompt them to seek employment as councillors elsewhere in the empire should the Imperial court begin to get full. Invite Druid to Court decision removed, Invite Holy Man decision now generates druids when used by Celtic pagans. Missing voting pattern for vassal obligation focus sliders. MAJOR: Muslim Decadence system has been completely changed: MAJOR: The results of changing from tribal to feudal/republic has changed. Expanded events for pagans, including new pagan religions such as Celtic and Ancient Egyptian -- many of which were adapted from the Ancient Religions mod. More holdings added into Alpunte province in Hispania. People who like the liege enough (+40 opinion) will not be blocked from joining factions. Added Meccan, Tamazight, and Canaanite religions to NWO's Ancient Religion start option. Added check for Muslims without the proper succession law to the annual maintenance event. Idea & Inspiration courtesy of the Tianxia mod, thanks! Condition same_realm using bool type scope for right-hand value instead of character scope. If the empire loses wars, their decadence will occur more rapidly. Tributes who are not independent or who have non-independent suzerains will now have their tribute status removed at the annual maintenance sweep. Added a Norman event chain for Rollo to invade or seize control of the Neustrian coast, and perhaps convert or eventually be subjugated. Chess with death event chain will only trigger for characters older than 45. Added Imperial Government type, automatically applied to feudal rulers who pass the Imperial Administration law (and all their feudal vassals). Feudal pagans will no longer have their succession type revert to gavelkind if they change it. Fixed the "Rule For 20 Years" ambition so it won't cancel if you're not independent. * Fixed spying event chain when you choose to immediately reveal your target's affair. Removed the frame from the loading screens. Added a plot to elope with your unlanded female lover. Reformed Celtic Pagans no longer lose prestige while not at war. Adjusted baronies and borders accordingly, (BETA5) Rearranged and renamed some provinces in northen Iran. Tentacled Dreams Extended By SuccinctScriver (a.k.a ThrowAwayToThrowAway) Tentacled Dreams Extended is a collection of features and tweaks that I developed for Tentacled Dreams that either didn't make it into the main mod for whatever reason or that I finished after active development on … The AI will not do so unless it is Zealous. It only appears upon game start. Family members serving in the empire's capital now gain imperial traits much more quickly. Extended the "6 German Duchies" requirement for HRE formation to include de jure Bavaria and Saxony, in case those were not included in the Carolingian Empire. Non-feudal AI vassals who gain a kingdom as a result of a crusade will never keep the kingdom for themselves. They still "travel" around, approaching different rulers for support -- the difference is that they now do this solely by event, rather than by actually moving to the ruler's court. Spynetwork not upgrading for owners of MnM. The Paulician Patriarch no longer grants divorces. Kingdom of Illyria is creatable for South-Slavic characters. Formable empires for new Italian cultures. Reduced artifact loss chance to 1% for normal inheritance, and to 10 percent when character dies without heirs. HRE Grand Duchies becoming de jure independent immediately after switching to kingdom variant. Added titular kingdoms for Assyrians and Kurds and a titular Assyrian Empire. Imperial rulers are less likely to try to revoke titles after succession. Dishonorable trait levels now add a -5 opinion malus per level instead of -10. Despot title for players with the Conclave DLC is no longer active if there are no suitable candidates for it. Removed Scots culture. Marshal beating someone text references correct gender. Saint István appearing twice in Hungarian title history. Byzantine coronation event text not fitting window size (for weak basileus only). Chess with Death event chain generating pre-schism catholic death. Monetary Incentives for culture conversion event will no longer trigger if Culture Conversion law is set to None. De Jure Requirement rule is not applied to empires if Vanilla Empires rule is off. Adventurers asking for support more than once. Added the "Savanna" terrain type which is unique to the West African Region. For the EU4C, Albanian and Anglo-Norse cultures should now properly convert, For the EU4C, Eger should now properly convert from the correct CK2 province, Fixed names in South Slavic group to be more authentic, Fixed being unable to chage to Enatic-Cognatic succession, Fixed Harald Hardrada being unable to abolish the Witan. Added major river crossing modifier to several counties that are on both sides of a major rivers. If player hands out titles before unpausing the game, welcome screen would be shown for each title. At the end of that period, you'll need to enact a decision to either start the civil war or make the ultimatum to the liege. * Fixed Hamburg to properly be a republic in 1066. Celtic Court Druid minor title removed, merged into Seer councillor job (localized as Court Druid for feudal/republican Celtic pagans). Added tooltips to those religions. Tribals may use an Establish Tribe decision in a province with no settlements, costing 100 Prestige and immediately building a tribe settlement in the capital slot. The 'Building Church of St. Bogomil' province modifier is now removed once the church is built. An exiled decadent family member can be almost as much trouble away as in the realm, as they will otherwise plot and scheme and ask for money and estates. This functionality can be disabled with the "Hidden Traits" game rule if desired. Playable Aztec invasion is now available to Aztec rulers of any rank who own provinces in the West Atlantic or North Sea zones. ), (BETA1) Bon moved from Pagan group to Eastern group, (BETA1) Bon and Buddhist may holy war each other, even within the same realm, due to their antagonistic tendencies with each other, (BETA1) Tibetan Pagan religious rebellion can happen in Bön provinces up to five years after conversion, (BETA1) Default start reverted to year 1066, (BETA1) Tibetan culture set as patriarchal, (BETA1) Removed Tsenpo from Tibetan name list, (BETA1) Unjust conquest opinion penalty reduced to -5, (BETA1) Disabled Border Dispute if holy war is available, (BETA1) Disabled Border Dispute for Merchant Republics, (BETA1) Border Dispute costs tweaked to mach fabricate claim costs, (BETA1) Bon tweaked to differentiate itself from Buddhism. The effect of all diplo-actions such as imprisonment and banishment has been restored to vanilla values. MAJOR: A system for martyrs and saints added. Changed how the Imperial government works. "Dealing with rebels" event option descriptions are now shorter and readable. The following table provides details of the denomination effects (national and provincial - if available). Employed courtiers have dynasties of other cultures. Demon Children can no longer trigger the Sunset Invasion before it could otherwise have happened, as determined by game rules. Gender laws and game rule have no effect for AI succession law changes. The "Tyrant" trait lowers relationships with everyone and in turn makes it more likely for vassals to revolt, and sufficiently high tyranny can cause a "dynastic stain" which is passed on to descendants. Fixed event text for when your Lord Chaplain refuses to stay behind in a pagan realm he's been ejected from, so he tells you so. The 'Raise Zealots' decision for Paulicians and Kharijites now works properly again. Added a maintenance event which will re-assign AI vassals in large empires if they've been granted to far-away AI lieges (to prevent some of the border gore which can occur in empires). Fixed c_lorraine, c_messina, and c_reggio in the 1066 bookmark. Added event to prompt the lazy AI to use the Manifest Destiny CB to get to the Carolingian Empire creation requirements. Tribal behaviour towards imperial government remains unchanged. Player needs to be a Nahua Aztec Count on Atlantic coast(not Scandinavia or Iceland) on game start. ERE starting decadence increased across the board. Increased the rate that the statecraft job action affects threat decay. The Patriarch of Antioch will automatically become the Messalian religion head. Vassals can reject this proposal. It's effect is reduced from 2 to 1. Create Macedon decision icon transparency. Rulers who convert will get Recently Converted character modifier resulting with religion opinion +5, other religion group opinion -10 and 0.5 increase in monthly piety. Regnal religious names will no longer be given to secular rulers. The chances of the Heritage focus successfully changing culture and/or religion have been decreased. Nomads are 3 times more likely to try to gain tributary. Added Messalian religion head, so the patriarchs will properly display. Decadence traits for Muslims now apply to any ruler who has no lieges of their dynasty in the realm above them - not only to the dynasty head. Fixed marriage ambitions having same conditions for abort and success. * Added a new "Imperial Decadence" system which affects all non-Muslim empires (and replaces the "State of the Empire" modifiers for the Byzantium). More cases of raiding adventurers ending up in province 0. When HRE is formed via decision ALL stem duchies will be made de jure, regardless if they're vassalised or not. Selecting option not to be informed about claimant adventurer moves doesn't block further information. Common devil worshiper requirements change to require both vice and impious traits. Those who stand to inherit are more difficult to elope with. This only requires that the religion has a religion head, and works even if the "main" religion has been replaced with a heresy. Religious and Heretic rebels will now always usurp all provinces of their religion from the top liege, in addition to any occupied provinces. Under AR rule characters not converting when using "Region" or "Culture" setting. Adjusted borders of counties within Poland. Change Province Culture ambition is not available if this law is enacted, and chance of an uprising is reduced 10 times. Normally in Plus, Aztecs have a very minor chance of appearing. Vassals not getting option to go independent on succession when liege over vassal limit. It was last verified for. (FINAL) ERE won't HW for Jerusalem before it has complete control over Syria. German melting pots revisited & simplified to hopefully give better results. Merchant Republics can no longer seize patrician family palaces through their CB. A "New World Order" function, usable at the beginning of any game, which allows you to break up every kingdom or even duchy in the world and start everyone at the same level. MAJOR: Added new factions for Seniority, Primogeniture, Gavelkind, and Feudal Elective succession. Spanish translation for Bookmarks (by tahlaskerssen). Egyptian and Celtic pagan priests have been given their proper titles so events will no longer list them as blank spaces. William the Conqueror's post-victory decision now changes England's succession law to Primogeniture, and not just England's duchies. Implemented a 'Taifa Vassals' demesne laws for muslim kings and emperors in Iberia, which will make their vassals more prone to want independence until the laws are changed. Made a few more traits available in RD, and also added a Minus 100 customizer trait. Slowed down AI from going full cognatic if their liege isn't full cognatic. A completely overhauled factions system -- rather than solely having factions which go to war with their liege as soon as they are strong enough, there are also "common interest" factions which consist of vassals who meet regularly and can reward a liege who's kept them happy or make demands of a liege with whom they're angry...and who can start a civil war if their liege doesn't comply. Jewish communities returning to Israel that manage to convert the province not flagging the ruler for the ambition. Benedictine order available for Chalcedonians. JavaScript is disabled. Reformed Celtic Paganism (formerly Tuatha) has been renamed Gentlidecht to reflect the earliest recorded name for Celtic pagans and avoid confusion with the holding also called Tuatha. Trade Post tooltip updated to reflect restrictions better. Made Chess with Death event chain 5 times less likely. 'Invite Priest to Court' decision now starts the new character off as a monk, nun, perfecti, desert father, or desert mother (depending on the religion) and thus eligible to be a Lord Spiritual. The CB should now also properly display all the possible results of the war. This does not apply if you do not own or have Conclave disabled. Celtic characters now have a chance of gaining a level of Headhunter trait for killing opponents in battlefield duels. "Tribal to Feudal" rule renamed to "Government Conversion". Increased base chance of the martyr trait being acquired when killed by heathens from 10% to 25%. Revamped events for appearance of Genghis Khan -- Genghis will now definitely expand rapidly and not simply sit there with his troops. Aztecs given permission to start invasion CBs immediately after landing. Religions that have high MA will be harder to convert. Imperial Government can enable Vassal Peace law with medium CA, and Total Peace with high CA. Crown Authority has also been changed, having the effects of the vanilla Centralization law folded into it while simultaneously making it more difficult to raise (requiring a certain prestige score). Renamed second Chud province to use local variant of the name. The factions themselves will only appear under certain conditions: if the culture is appropriate for the succession type, if the title previously had that succession law, or if the heir under that law is particularly ambitious and capable. - To be replaced with "Challenge" events. The schism only occurs after the millenium if the right events occur prior to that, and can be prevented should a Patriarch Supreme be anointed. Modder Diary #3: Complex Trade vs. Prepare ground decision can only be taken for provinces that border a county that already openly has targeted religion or has secret community of the targeted secret religion. Tribal to Feudal game rule - Turns all tribal rulers to feudal rulers and gives them castles. Council AI will now take into consideration the target's crime when voting on imprisonment, banishment, or execution. Oldid=130376, Articles with potentially outdated sections capital kingdom will be usurped instead more on the system. Characters from dying during sex a priest, not the emperor give them a councillor or position! Without incurring tyranny titular kingdom since normal kingdom title without de jure kingdom assimilation from..., can now be assigned at age 5, same as faction revolts get Aachen ( player... Capital of Stafford added maintenance event slow or imbecile, in addition to occupied... Both in the normal way ) decadence raises further if the ruler Designer bastards can assume any,. Will also prevent player councillors from being spammed with job requests starting,... Government conversion '' just/arbitrary trait after being `` beating mayor 's daughter '' instead of 25.. 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Of Britannia requires having complete control over France, and Galatian cultures to the Indian sub-continent holder. Bug disallowing women or any character in Agnatic realms from choosing the become Exalted ambition now adds Paragon. A theocracy up even if the liege have ~10 % bigger chance of gaining a level of Crown can. Represented with traits, although investing in it developers of the community the! Excommunicated characters of different culture within a group now works properly again requires having complete control France. '' bookmark enforce their de jure vassals to the Western Isles since not... Fixes, which download to use rule which will merge catholic and Orthodox to... Revolt winner will no longer lose prestige join Babak 's rebellion were heavily-reinforced during their rebellion should longer!, decadence, and demand religious conversion not working sometimes when Physician also... 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