Try and be more aware of the surrounding situations, avoid running into anyone. The belt size is identical. This page was last edited on 14 February 2021, at 12:51. The Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard ("anti-aircraft cannon tank Cheetah", better known as the Flakpanzer Gepard) is an all-weather-capable German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG). Helicopters should be treated with a similar deal of respect, so try to limit the amount of time they have within firing range by coating them in a blank of anti-air fire as soon as the lead indicator appears. DarthHammer. Capturing points is also an option thanks to the good mobility of the vehicle, although you will have to make sure the capture point is clear and there is no risk of being attacked by an enemy tank. It has sufficient HE shells for planes, 46 mm penetration AP-I, and 64 mm penetration HVAP. Flakpanzer 38 - War Thunder Wik . When shooting planes, avoid opening fire when the plane is far away from you. A Flakpanzer Gepard az 1960-as években fejlesztették ki többször is korszerűsítették a legújabb elektronikával. It was around this phase that the Leopard 1 was chosen as the chassis of the vehicle, and a modified variant was produced. The 20 mm cannon is very deadly against any light and fast vehicles, it can finish up their crew easily when penetrated. The Flakpanzer Gepard uses the 35 mm Oerlikon KDA autocannon, which was a dual-mounted cannon that each can fire around 550 rounds per minute. Tip: aim slightly above the plane to compensate for the shell drop, as the distance between you and the plane is usually greater than you think. It is sometimes, incorrectly, referred to as the Gepard, which may lead to confusion with the unrelated Flakpanzer Gepard. Материал из War Thunder Wiki. The radar system is capable of tracking a target while scanning, but can only track targets within a 200° arc from the front of the turret. The gun can pen most things the tank encounters, barring Valentines, Matildas, B1 bis, B1 ter, and T-28E. The vehicle was produced from November, 1943 to February, 1944. In 1944-1945 Flakpanzer 38(t) AA vehicles were used actively on the Italian and Western Fronts, where they were effective against low-flying aircraft. and PzGr 40 ammo belts. From the 1980s onward, the Gepard units were attached to Stinger surface-to-air missile systems to exploit the Gepard's extended tracking system to locate targets for the Stingers. Apr 3, 2015 - Explore Jesse Reclaim Earth's board "2.NATO.L.AA - Gepard Flakpanzer", followed by 108 people on Pinterest. When they're flying head-on towards you, use the fast fire rate and spray a stream of shells in their path and wait for them to crash into your shells, then quickly move away to dodge the bullets. ... только в середине 1943 года в серию пошёл Flakpanzer 38(t) Gepard с аналогичным вооружением. The Gepard has a crew of 3, consisting of a gunner, a commander and a driver with the first 2 residing in the turret and the third in the hull. ... Flakpanzer I (Полное название 2 cm FlaK 38 auf Pz.Kpfw. [Devblog] Flakpanzer I Gepard - The second and last of its name,, Ground vehicles with hull break mechanics, High-explosive incendiary tracer (self-destroying, note that the self-destruction range coincides with the radar's lead indicator maximum distance, making the shell inadequate at longer ranges), Armour-piercing incendiary tracer, which can be used against lightly armoured vehicles and enemy SPAAs, though the damage to enemy aircraft is reduced, the shell can be used outside radar range since it does not self destruct. 38 (t) Chassis (der Name "Gepard" ist eher fleckig) Rank V. Flakpanzer I Gepard Ein PMLK SPAA basierend off derLeopard Chassis Try to fire as soon as the enemy reaches within 2 kilometres, any closer and you risk the aircraft being able to open fire on you or even ram you and induce Hull Break. Its top speed is 57 km/h forward and -22 km/h backwards, with acceleration time and neutral steering speed depending on the installed modules. An anti-aircraft vehicle based on the Leopard 1 chassis, it possesses 2 x 35 mm Oerlikon KDA cannons with 340 rounds each (680 in total, in 2 continuous belts of ammunition, one for each cannon). Both radars are located on the turret, the MPDR 12 is mounted at the rear of the turret and folds back when not in use, the Albis is mounted on the front of the turret. Предназначена для непосредственного прикрытия наземных войск, уничтожения воздушных целей на наклонных дальностях от 0,1 до 4 км и на высотах до 3 км, летящих со скоростью до 350 — 400 м/с, а также наземных (надводных) целей на дальности до 4500 метров с места, с короткой остановки и в движении. In the late stages of the match you should be even more careful, as at this time most people will take out their SPAAs, and those fast-firing guns are your biggest threat. Great firepower: wonderful combination of rapid firerate, adequate velocity, 20 round mag and various belt types- Sprgr. It was developed in the 1960s and fielded in the 1970s, and has been upgraded several times with the latest electronics. © 2021 Gaijin Network Ltd. All rights reserved. Los Flakpanzer I Gepardes un vehículo anti-aircraft alemán Rango VI con una calificación de batalla de 8,0.Fue introducido en Actualizar 1.63 "Cazadores del Desierto". This is represented in the game by the ability to lock onto a target and display an arcade-style lead indicator on the target when they are within effective range, a trait that all radar-guided SPAAs possess. belt is destructive against low tier aircraft, while PzGr 40 is very deadly against armoured targets (eg. The Flakpanzer I Gepard is a rank VI German Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft (SPAA) vehicle The Gepard has a search radar on the back, a tracking radar in front, and a laser range finder in the front to track air targets. Use the mobility to flank and the small profile to ambush. The Gepards were successful in the export market. The Flakpanzer 38, 2 cm, Pz.Fgst.38 (t) Sf., officially named Flakpanzer 38(t) auf Selbstfahrlafette 38(t) Ausf M (Sd.Kfz. Nov 3, 2018 - Buy Flakpanzer Gepard 1A2 by humster3d on 3DOcean. 2. Nicht mit dem verwechseltFlakpanzer 38 (t) "Gepard… Pick on those soft targets and avoid heavily armoured ones to ensure effective penetration and killing. Model is ready for render. The Gepard performs best when stalking enemy aircraft, scanning the sky for a target and waiting until it gets in range of the radar, and only attacking when the radar can provide a lead estimation, thus preserving ammunition which is critical since the cannons will expend it quickly in combat situations. Reload between clips is long. The Flakpanzer 38(t) has thin but highly sloped front armour that resists 7-8 mm machine bullets and even 12.7 mm machine gun rounds. Paste links to sources and external resources, such as: Low structural strength makes the vehicle susceptible to serious damage. The Dutch also sold 60 of their surplus stock to Jordan. High-velocity armour-piercing tracer (APDS), which can be used against targets mentioned above and additionally, can be used to attack the side profile of enemy MBTs with reasonable effectiveness. The Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard ("anti-aircraft cannon tank Cheetah", better known as the Flakpanzer Gepard) is an all-weather-capable German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG)[1]. When the Bundeswehr started the downsize their forces, their Gepards were sold to various countries such as Brazil, Romania, and Chile; though Chile returned their Gepards due to the high costs maintaining them. Do whatever you can to stay alive, as this vehicle has more potential as the match progresses. See more ideas about military vehicles, armored vehicles, military. The Flakpanzer Gepard uses a modified Leopard chassis, modified by different wheel spacing and battery placement. It was introduced in Update 1.47 "Big Guns". Welcome the Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard - a deadly anti-aircraft defence tool with 2x 35mm autocannons. The decision to use a 35 mm autocannon as the basis of the anti-aircraft armament came on 25 June 1970. Like its predecessor, the Flakpanzer I, it maintains a crew of two and is also hull-breakable. Skins and camouflages for the Gepard from In September 1973, the order was made to Krauss-Maffei manufacturer to produce 432 turret and 430 hulls. January 21, 2021 at 4:53 am. 1/35th-scale styrene/multimedia kit containing 745 styrene parts (including eight clear), one … The Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard, or rather FlakPz Gepard, was a German SPAAG that was introduced into service in the 1970s. So if you are brave / skilled enough, use it as a light tank as it has 42 km/h top speed. Vyatcheslav “BVV_d” Bulannikov, designer di gioco: L’equipaggio della “Gepard” ha una protezione migliore rispetto al suo predecessore, il Flakpanzer I. Un cannone da 20 mm brandeggiabile è situato in una posizione stazionaria, su bassa sovrastruttura che consente non solo lo sparo a velivoli che volano a bassa … It constituted a … Saved by Keith McClure. I’ve never played War Thunder, never watched any content about it, but you are god damn hilarious and you’re making me want to play it so bad I can’t even … While the Flakpanzer 1 and Gepard can be a problem for the uneducated, they are very easy to kill once you know where to shoot. Common among almost all SPAAs, the Gepard's armour can only withstand heavy machine guns and aircraft cannons and such, even other SPAAs and light tanks will pose a threat. Rather long reload time requires strict trigger control, The PzGr 40 belt is mixed with low-penetrating belts, reducing its anti-tank capability as half of the shells sometimes won't be able to penetrate, Slow reverse speed of only 6 km/h can get the player killed due to not being able to retreat from danger quickly. The Flakpanzer 38, 2 cm, Pz.Fgst.38 (t) Sf., officially named Flakpanzer 38(t) auf Selbstfahrlafette 38(t) Ausf M (Sd.Kfz. Then regardless of the plane's distance from you, fire some random shells at it to get their attention. Skins and camouflages for the Flakpanzer 38 from © 2009—2021 by Gaijin Network Ltd. Gaijin and War Thunder are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Gaijin Network Ltd. … Use this link to get 3% off your entire purchase and a custom Phly emblem for your vehicles. © 2021 Gaijin Network Ltd. All rights reserved. However you must be very careful as the Flakpanzer 38 only has 2 crew, and losing one means death. The Gepard entered service in the German Bundeswehr in 1973 and made up a core of West Germany's anti-aircraft power. Le Flakpanzer I Gepardest un rang VI véhicule anti-aircraft allemand avec une cote de bataille de 8.0.Il a été introduit dans Mettre à jour 1.63 "Hunters" Desert. War Thunder. Basierend aus derLeopard 1 Chassis hat diese SPAA große Geschwindigkeit das Fahrzeug Manöver auf das Schlachtfeld für eine vorteilhafte Schussposition zu helfen. Unfortunately, the gunner is the most exposed and unprotected crew and is extremely vulnerable to everything: artillery, MG fire, planes, small bombs, rockets, etc. There was also an auxiliary engine that powers the turret functions so the main engine can run the vehicle unhindered by additional energy requirement. It was introduced in Update 1.63 "Desert Hunters". It is sometimes, incorrectly, referred to as the Gepard, which may lead to confusion with the unrelated Flakpanze… The 3D model was created on real base. We will be releasing a few informational posts like this - so keep an eye open for our Dev Blogs! with a battle rating of 2.0 (AB) and 1.7 (RB/SB). They are expected to be replaced by the SysFla project, which is a stationary and mobile platform armed with the MANTIS gun system and the new LFK NG missiles. Jun 22, 2019 - Cheetah PRTL - Flakpanzer Gepard - Wikipedia 140), is a rank I German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with a battle rating of 2.0 (AB/RB/SB). It was developed in the 1960s and fielded in the 1970s, and has been upgraded several times with the latest electronics. Ez a német hadsereg (Bundeswehr) és számos más NATO- ország légvédelmét képezték. Instead you have two tactics: one is to passively wait until the plane flies close and is unaware of you, then suddenly open fire. Having 30mm of armour at its thickest point, in the game, the Gepard can be hull broken by shells of a calibre of 75mm and higher. Once they know you're there, a lot of pilots will turn towards you and try to kill you, knowing that SPAAs usually have weak protection. The Gepard as a whole actually cost three times more than a standard Leopard 1 tank, possibly due to all the guidance system and radars needed to make the Gepard an effective anti-aircraft gun. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. At least 430 Flakpanzer Gepard units were produced in total from 1973 onwards. Basado de laLeopard 1 chasis, este SPAA tiene una gran velocidad para ayudar a la maniobra de vehículos en todo el campo de batalla para una posición de disparo ventajosa. At the start of the match, you can camp around the spawn point and wait until the enemy planes show up, this is the safest way, but it's passive and not efficient in terms of getting kills. This page was last edited on 2 February 2021, at 11:14. The first to order were Belgium and the Dutch, 55 and 95 units respectively. First find a good cover so you are not likely to get shot from tanks. «Gepard»— германская зенитная самоходная установка. The ammunition is stored in its entirety in the turret basket, below the crew; in practice, the Gepard is rarely ammo racked, and most often it is your crew that will be knocked out or the tank being burned down by chemical munitions fired from enemy aircraft that it faces, such as helicopters and jet attack aircraft which are both a threat and a tricky target. In today's article, we have prepared a bit of information about two of the vehicles which we plan to add in the new update. Volkswagen War Thunder Military Armor 3d Models Military Equipment German Army Armored Vehicles Motor Car Cannon. Engaging ground vehicles comes with the risk of being destroyed without doing any significant damage so weigh your options carefully, unsuspecting light tanks are fair game but most tanks will pose a threat even when attacking their side without the appropriate ammunition belts. This allows the 35 mm cannons, which have a tendency to cripple enemy plane and helicopters alike with a single hit, to maximize its damage potential. For this vehicle, two very important modifications to keep an eye out for are the Sprgr. You can drive like a Roland, fight like a Leopard, but you never be better than Flakpanzer Gepard! A proposal was made to combine these two units into one vehicle with a dual Stinger launcher mounted onto a Gepard, but budget restrictions prevented this. The 3D model was created on real base. with a battle rating of 8.0 (AB/RB/SB). War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic Details. Зени… Jul 3, 2015 @ 1:26am Flakpanzer I and Flakpanzer 38(t) (Gepard) crew size. It was build on the … Realistic/Simulator: If using the Gepard in higher rank games, be mindful of aircraft such as the, Has the mobility of the Leopard tank, though the increased weight is noticeable, Good stock grind thanks to its already good gun handling, Can penetrate many tanks from the side even with its default belt, High penetration with DM23 belt that is also cheaper to restock than other belts, Twin 35 mm cannons are very deadly against both aircraft and tanks with a high rate of fire and accuracy, Has stabilizer - can shoot targets while on the move, air and ground ones alike, Search and tracking radars, the search radar finds targets while the tracking radar gives a very accurate lead indicator, Search radar dish can be folded when not in use to reduce vehicle height and visibility, Relatively high profile, and a spinning radar dish atop the vehicle, Very thin armour that can be easily destroyed with hull-break, Cannons are mounted on the sides of the turret that can make shooting weak spots at close range almost impossible, Relatively low rate-of-fire compared to the, Incredibly long reload time when all ammo is expended, Can only take 40 x DM23s to battle, must be fired very carefully, Expensive unlockable ammo belts (except the DM23 belt). The Gepard was constantly upgraded with better guidance systems and other electronic hardware. … Top speed and power-to-weight ratio are much higher than the Flakpanzer I, topping out at 46 km/h forward, -6 km/h backwards, and a power-to-weight ratio in realistic and simulator battles of 15.31 hp/ton. I Ausf. The Flakpanzer 38(t) self-propelled anti-air mount was a temporary transitional version that was used until the development of a real anti-air tank on the chassis of the Panzer IV was completed. Mar 26, 2020 - Buy Flakpanzer Gepard 1A2 by humster3d on 3DOcean. The first 87Flakpanzer 38(t) AA vehicles appeared at the front in January, 1944 and made up Flugabwehrzug (AA platoons) in tank divisions and tank grenadier divisions (sometimes in Waffen SS divisions such as the Hitlerjugend 12th Waffen SS division in Norway in 1944). Das Flakpanzer I Gepardist ein deutsche anti-aircraft Fahrzeug mit einer Bewertung von Schlacht 8,0 Rang VI.Es wurde in Aktualisieren 1,63 „Desert Hunters“ eingeführt. Oct 9, 2018 - 3D model of Flakpanzer Gepard 1A2 available for Download in FBX, OBJ, 3DS, C4D and other file formats for 23 software. This will only waste your ammo and give your position away to both the plane and the tanks. The Gepard is also equipped with a radar that can track and calculate the lead necessary to effectively engage a target. Its top speed is 57 km/h forward and -22 km/h backwar… Arcade: Keep your head on a swivel, and when enemies start air battles be prepared to react very soon; jets can reach the battle in seconds. The vehicle was powered by a multi-fuel engine capable of pumping around 819 horsepower. Strekki. The Flakpanzer Gepard still sees use today in the storage of the Bundeswehr, although in reduced numbers from 377 originally to just 94. The first pilot models were produced in 1969 testing 30 and 35 mm autocannons for the armament. Extremely poor survivability: only two crew protected by hull-breakable thin armour makes it easily to get destroyed- common threats include artillery strike, nearby bombs, strafing planes, MGs (eg. Having the chassis of the Leopard 1, the Gepard is almost identical in mobility to the MBT, possessing the same engine power, making it useful at capturing zones and getting out of harm's way., Ground vehicles with hull break mechanics. Development began on a dedicated self-propelled anti-aircraft gun for the German Bundeswehr in the 1960s. See more ideas about Military vehicles, Tanks military, Military. The first provides a boost to the vehicle's anti-air capabilities, being completely filled with high explosive shells, and the second turns the Flakpanzer into a deadly anti-tank machine with high-penetration HVAP rounds. Oct 9, 2019 - Explore Lew Yocom's board "Gepard tank" on Pinterest. In the market for War Thunder Equipment? The 3D model was created on real base. Helicopters will more than often chose to keep a reasonable distance, usually outside your radar's range but this can be countered by using the API-T rounds in short burst until the range of the enemy has been deduced, it only takes a few rounds to destroy an enemy aircraft. FLAKPANZER GEPARD-1A2. Gepardkann sich beziehen to: Rang I. Flakpanzer 38 (t) "Gepard" Ein PMLK SPAA basierend off derPz.Kpfw. World of Tanks; World of Warplanes; World of Warships; War Thunder; EVE Online; Armored Warfare; MechWarrior Online; World of Tanks Blitz; Heliborne; Tiberium Wars; ... Flakpanzer IV Kugelblitz; Flakpanzer I Gepard; FlaRakPz 1 Roland 2; Flugabwehrraketensystem Roland auf Radkraftfahrzeug. A total of 141 Flakpanzer 38(t) AA vehicles were released. Having the chassis of the Leopard 1, the Gepard is almost identical in mobility to the MBT, possessing the same engine power, making it useful at capturing zones and getting out of harm's way. War Thunder CDK Camouflages ... B-29 Superfortress and Flakpanzer 38(t) Gepard. Sur la base de laLeopard 1 châssis, ce SPAA a une grande vitesse pour aider la manœuvre du véhicule autour du champ de bataille pour une position de tir … 140), is a rank I German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun Creation of a smoke screen in front of the vehicle, Low structural strength makes the vehicle susceptible to serious damage, Reduces the swing of the gun in two planes while moving. In 1971 the second phase of pilot models was tested, the Dutch Army expressed interest in the project and ordered a few models once completed. Nov 3, 2018 - Buy Flakpanzer Gepard 1A2 by humster3d on 3DOcean. Use against air targets is possible but the damage output is highly reduced to stay alive, as vehicle. 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