The entire torta is then smothered in a fluffy white frosting (Šaum) . Po priči, nastala je kao znak zahvalnosti tašte prema zetu, Vasi Čokrljanu iz Paraćina, koji je svoju suprugu odveo bečkim lekarima jer je bilo rečeno da porođaj može ugroziti život deteta i žene. (No worries, the layers don’t take an hour each. (I own the 6th edition published in 1984, as a collaboration between National book, Belgrade (Narodna knjiga Beograd) and Youth book, Ljubljana (Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana). Vasina torta. Apply the white cream over the cake and again put to fridge for several hours. (Parallel to water warming up) In a large metal mixing bowl (that can partially fit into the pot from the step above) start mixing yolks with a hand mixer while adding the sugar to the bowl one tablespoon at a time. Remove the paper and put the biscuit on a serving plate. Jaffa is a type of cookie biscuit topped with (artificial) oranges and chocolate. Even one of her glances can prevent a cardinal mistake. Prava pravcata torta, sa pečenim biskvitom, fil sa orasima, domaći šlag preko. Recept pred vama nije baš taj izvorni jer […] Lower temperature to 355°F (180°C) and bake for 20 to 30 minutes. Ok, now this is entirely too much information. See more ideas about Desserts, Food, Torte cake. ), at least promise me you’ll give it a solid “sleepover” in the fridge. Recipe: Vasina Torta (A Scrumptuous Bosnian Cake Modified in America) This is a great cake recipe from Alma in Sarajevo, Bosnia! 22:50h. Priprema. In absence of a strong plastic bag (it has to be strong, lest it falls apart), use a small dish with a pour spout for pouring chocolate. If it comes out clean, the cake is done. Apply the white cream over the cake and again put to fridge for several hours. This layer is made with eggs (separately mixed), ground walnuts, sugar and grated baking chocolate. Using a knife gently separate cake from ring walls. Tražite recepte? Vasina torta je izuzetak. This is an Eastern European recipe that is worth the effort. Vaso was devastated. Vasina torta je jedan od retkih nesporno autentičnih srpskih kolača i svi smo ponosni na nju. Meanwhile, a torte is a denser, richer type. Bring water to a boil, then lower temperature just enough to keep it at a slow boil. - Najveći kuvar sa savetima i receptima za one kojima je hrana više od osnovne potrebe. 1/4 cup water . And that’s how we got today’s chocolate orange cake. It’s even better if you can hold off 24 hours before eating it. Then mix all three parts of the filling, boiling it for about 10 minutes. For example, the first cake layer needs some time to cool off after baking. Melt chocolate with 2-3 tablespoons of milk on low at the same time. Let cool. One of the tastiest cakes ever for the most solemn occasions : engagements, weddings, anniversary celebrations etc. Postoji legenda o tome kako je nastala, čak se zna i ko je bio dotični Vasa i kojom prilikom je kreirana torta, ali moram da priznam da su mi sve te priče koje se dešavaju početkom dvadesetog veka suviše d… Iz sestavin se vidi, da je prava kalorična bomba. Kažem, nije bila, ali mi se vremenom podvukla pod kožu, jer ju je moja mama često pravila. Chef Baba S3:E7 Chef Baba's Vasina Torta. The cake lasts up to 7 days in the fridge. With Baba Mira's Vasina torta. Your email address will not be published. After you’ve mixed all the syrup turn the mixer off, and flip the bowl around. There are 3 separate parts to it: the cake, the nut filling, and the meringue frosting. Be careful and steady the bowl in the pot (wear a mitten or use a kitchen towel to protect your fingers) while beating egg whites. If you cut yourself a piece and it’s yellow inside, it’s probably a regular sponge cake. Vasina was my answer. However, each post is translated into English, so you can browse her recipe index. Dodaj kuvara u omiljene. Whisk the egg yolks separately and add them into the egg whites mixture slowly and mix with a wooden spoon. This three layered cake boasted the best region had to offer (different types of nuts, meringue and eggs), and was paired together with a citrus orange flavor. Use a toothpick to check for doneness. If meringue scares you I found a website with great tutorials for every kind of meringue you can imagine. Its crust consists of eggs, flour, ground nuts and chocolate. My sister Aleksandra helps me. Preparation of the cream: Boil sugar with water for about 20 minutes or until it thickens and begins to have a honey consistency. In a small pot combine milk and sugar and bring to a boil on high. Beze torta; Kolač sa makom i čokoladom (video) Pancerote / Panzerotti (video) Piškota sa plazmom i voćem (video) Nasuvo sa makom i slatkom od jagoda (video) [+] maj (8) Njoke sa paprikom i kajmakom (video) Čokoladni mafini (video) Slatke zapečene palačinke; Preliv od višanja za sladoled, torte i kolače (video) Slatko od jagoda (video) If it looks too thick, add a little more milk. sok od jedne pomorandže (oko 10 kašika) … The recipe for Vasina Torta is on page 398.) Learn how your comment data is processed. Ne znam ko je bio Vasa i otkud taj naziv, znam samo da svi vole ovu tortu, kremastu s ukusom i mirisom čokolade i narandže. By the way anything will work, from džezva (Balkan coffee dish) to a sauce bowl. ★☆ In the same manner, nothing should be going onto meringue while it’s warm, lest it gets destroyed. 24. Dio sa kuvanjem na pari primjenjujem kada torta sa šaumom "ide iz kuće" Odštampaj. March 2020. As you can guess, Balkan desserts tend to be challenging complex. Most desserts in the Balkan region are old fashioned and require once expensive ingredients (eggs, walnuts, butter, etc.). And quality requires dedication. Stir frequently to avoid burning. Kažem, nije bila, ali mi se vremenom podvukla pod kožu, jer ju je moja mama često pravila. 2. Ukus je neodoljiv. 5 žumanaca. Which food is most popular in these Macedonian cities? Classic Italian meringue forms the third layer of our chocolate orange cake. In a third pot, mix the egg yolks with the sugar. email. I remember this cake from my childhood, my mum always said that Vasina torta is the queen among cakes. Few years back, we decided that it’s a perfect excuse to get our broader family together for a dinner and a good time. 1 h 00 min. Het was in het jaar 1908 dat Vasa Čokrljan, een knappe en elegante heer van begin 40 uit het stadje Paraćin, na jarenlang de smachtende blikken van huwbare dames te hebben weerstaan besloot dat het tijd was om zijn bestaan als vrijgezel op te geven. The entire torta is then smothered in a fluffy white frosting (Šaum) . But what Macedonians mostly like to... Vasina cake is said to be an authentic Balkan cake whose recipe say that dates back to 1908. A traditional and very special orange and chocolate torta smothered in fluffy white icing. and mix a few more minutes until the layer is well integrated and airy (light) at the same time. Find out more here…, $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["1f45a81e-31f8-4580-894f-1ebd852c86ac"]); }). Otherwise  you’re better off using new egg whites. Puna fila, a sa ovim dezertom nikada nećete pogrešiti! Parče na slici sam sačuvala i slikala nakon tri dana i snijeg je još uvijek ok. 25. Syrup should be trickling in for about 5 minutes to give you enough time to mix it in. First source was a classic Yugoslavian cookbook called the “The Big National Cookbook” (Veliki narodni kuhar). (She’s a cake blogger with numerous tips on cake decorating.) I've never liked it though, not until I've grown up. Fill a pot one third with water and bring to a boil on high. ★☆. We need to obtain the light structure as much as possible. 0 Komentara. Recept za Vasinu tortu. Heat the milk with 125 g of sugar and pour over the nuts. 200 g oraha. You are right, it is an elaborate cake, but as you said, very worth it. In a small pot bring water and sugar to a boil. But it is the freshly squeezed orange juice and orange zest (which turn the flavor slightly toward citrus), that give this cake the ‘wow’ factor. 40 g rendane čokolade za kuvanje. At the beginning of 20th century there lived (in a small Serbian town of Paraćin), a handsome man named Vaso Čokrljan. Keywords: chocolate orange cake, dark chocolate meringue cake, vasina torta, vaso's torte, Filed Under: Desserts, Vegetarian2 Comments, $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["efb1a2f2-36c2-40e1-ac28-1a31eac0d3f8"]); }). Apply the filling evenly only above the biscuit, not on sides and put in a fridge to cool well. You may remember that what makes this meringue different is the addition of sugar syrup to egg whites whipped into soft peaks. Belanca umutiti u čvrst sneg. Your email address will not be published. After walnuts absorb the liquid completely add melted chocolate, orange juice and zest. Chef Baba's teaches her son to make her most complicated torta recipe. Naravno, ako legenda nije lažna… Početkom XX veka, tačnije 1908. godine, u Paraćinu, jedan elegantni gospodin, boem, Vasa Čokrljan se napokon, na pragu svojih četrdesetih zaljubio u pravu domaćinsku kći, prelepu Jelenu. Klasik! Vasina torta je jedan od retkih nesporno autentičnih srpskih kolača i svi smo ponosni na nju. She made many regional delicacies for this feast, but the main attraction became a special cake she created in honor of her son in law. Vasina torta Vasa’s taart. Jelena belongs to that original group of men and women who wrote for the love of food –  not SEO, and whose articles didn’t consist of  “OMG You guuuuuuys!!! As Vaso’s cake was usually something I ate at a pastry shop, and not a cake we usually made at home, I tested quite a few recipes. Meringue should not be going onto anything remotely warm, lest it gets destroyed. Ili kako bi se to u današnje vreme reklo: retro. Žena 24.12.2020. After recovering in Vienna, they returned to Paraćin. Whisk the egg whites with a mixer, then gradually add the boiled sugar and water to the egg whites and continue to mix for about 5 minutes. Pošalji imejlom. Jelena from Food for Thought. Vasina torta je nastala 1908. godine, u … Puna FILA - dezert sa kojim NIKADA NEĆETE POGREŠITI/FOTO Idealna odluka ako još niste izabrali šta ćete od slatkiša praviti za praznike . Naročito sam je zavolela od kada sam kod Jelene pročitala priču o njenom postanku. Prijavi recept. Caramel Recipes Candy Recipes Cookie Recipes Dessert Recipes Baking Recipes Torte Recepti Kolaci I Torte Torta Recipe Banana Pudding Cheesecake RASKOSNA EUROKREM TORTA PRELEPOG PRESEKA Sastojci: 1,5 – 2 dupla pakovanja belog petit keksa 1,5 – 2 dupla pakovanja tamnog petit keksa (sa kakaom) 150-200 gr belog eurokrema 150-200 gr crnog eurokrema 5 dl slatke pavlake mlek… $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["40ed50f3-3e31-4ed0-a545-3f12733edf28"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["1f591dac-a962-45a0-9b24-6586b24bd31c"]); }), Copyright © 2021 Balkan Lunch Box  //  Site by. This layer is very similar to cakes we’ve done before. Vasina torta (original recept) Grci su orahe nazivali i imenom "Jupiterov plod", jer su smatrali da su orasi pogodni za bogove. While the sugar is cooking beat the egg whites into stiff peaks and when the sugar is ready place the beaten egg whites over simmering water. After the meringue layer has completely cooled down, melt all glaze ingredients on low. Mix well until integrated. The yolks are cooked briefly for heat treatment only, so they do not need to be cooked for more than 10 minutes as for other cakes. Apr 16, 2017 - Ovo je jedan starinski recept, smatra se da potiče s početka 20-og veka. Čuveni holandski kuvar isprobao pripremu recepta na srpski način: Evo kako mu je ispala Vasina torta! To prevent burning, place parchment paper on top of the cake. I celebrated my burtday twice in Serbia. Dio sa kuvanjem na pari primjenjujem kada torta sa šaumom "ide iz kuće" Odštampaj. Sep 21, 2014 - Evo nama naše torte! You can replace the the white cream with whipped cream. Keep stirring egg yolks quickly and swiftly otherwise they have a potential to overcook and become an omelette. However, you can imagine my disappointment when (after I would nail the other three complicated layers), my ganache, that simplest of chocolate toppings, kept on coming out all wrong. Došlo je do greške, pokušaj ponovo. 1 pk Instant chocolate fudge pudding mix . Macedonian cuisine is just another symbol of Macedonia's rich tradition. Ja sam taj dio izostavila, jer se kod mene Vasina torta pojede brzinom zvuka:). A longtime bachelor, Vaso’s marital status was for many years the main topic of town gossip. They generally don’t allow for shortcuts, 30-minute prep or 3-ingredients or less. Edita, Then I found out why this cake is so popular and special. (If using, add rum or Grand marnier now also.) Discover (and save!) I’ve picked up the pieces via several online sources, so forgive me if I don’t get all the details right. When done, remove the mixing bowl from the heat and let cool completely. ), If you speak B/C/S and love cooking, you MUST get this cookbook! 1/2 cup butter . His  mentor called him a ganache, although the result was the splendid glaze we use today. Doduše mama […] Let me know if you make this cake, and how you like it. Kažu da je Vasina torta autentična srpska torta čiji recept datira još iz davne 1908. godine. What’s unusual about this chocolate orange cake is that there is only one cake (crust) layer. 50 g oraha. Bring temperature to low and stir occasionally. Her food is phenomenal. Layer 1 Leave overnight at the very least. Seveda obstaja nekaj različic te torte (nekateri dodajo kremi tudi čokolado). Apr 19, 2020 - Vasina torta je već odavno deo gastronomskog nasleđa Srbije, a recept za nju se čuva i prenosi generacijama. Boil sugar and water until you get the consistency of runny honey. (And this is a minimalist speaking!) I get you. Slowly pour in the dissolved sugar while beating the egg whites with the electric mixer. Mix in slowly but thoroughly so that at the end the batter feels light and airy. Dodaj kuvara u omiljene. Priča kazuje da je tortu osmislila jedna tašta svom zetu Vasi u znak zahvalnosti što joj je ćerku odveo da je porode bečki lekari jer je trudnoća bila visokorizična. Parče na slici sam sačuvala i slikala nakon tri dana i snijeg je još uvijek ok. 25. Second source was a Belgrade food blogger named Jelena, who blogged over at Food for Thought. $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["51535604-cd37-4221-a2a9-33859c6e200e"]); }), Welcome to BLB, a blog about the art of Balkan cuisine! She was a missioner of goodness and winner of numerous ... We Macedonians like to eat sweet things, and we always ask for something sweet especially after lunch. 4 kašike šećera. 24. I like to double the nuts layer and make the whole cake really impressive and taller. Priča kazuje da je tortu osmislila jedna tašta svom zetu Vasi u znak zahvalnosti što joj je ćerku odveo da je porode bečki lekari jer je trudnoća bila visokorizična. Do it slowly and you’ll be ok. It is delicious and very juicy - you will adore it! 1 pk Devil's food cake mix . If all they do is wash the dishes as you’re going through them, you’ll be infinitely better off. Vasina torta. So, when I made this chocolate orange cake for the first time I called mom over. With a wooden spatula add flour, walnuts and chocolate to egg yolks. Narendati na sitno rende koru pomorandže i iscediti sok od nje. Because you will use A LOT of dishes. Chocolate is poured on top of the cake and left to drizzle on the sides, leaving a perfect window into the layers one, two and three. This video is just like it happened, it should make you laugh. You’ll often hear a disappointing “oh, it’s just an ordinary sponge (patišpanja),“ where patišpanja indicates an easy to make cake. Ne pravim je često jer moji ukučani i nisu ljubitelji oraha, ali ove godine sam je spremila za Novu godinu. For best taste leave the cake in the fridge overnight. Tweeten. It’s just that there are waiting periods in between.). Sa sobom nosi predivnu, dirljivu priču. Vasina torta Srednje zahtjevno; 2 Pogledaj sve fotke /slika/2640697/ Cool Chef gagaherc. Most people use a portion of the meringue to plaster cake sides with a nice snowy finish. Whisk the egg whites with a mixer, then gradually add the boiled sugar and water to the egg whites and continue to mix for about 5 minutes. If unable to wait that long (who has the time? Finally add the remaining mixture (walnuts, etc.) Article by … Baš kao i Reform torta, Vasina torta spada u one "svečane" za specijalne prilike. Carefully remove parchment paper from the cake. ★☆ Stir everything until well integrated. I finally watched a few of Tatyana’s videos to get the idea of how she does it. The lucky lady in question was one Jelena, who’d later describe Vaso as gentlest and kindest of husbands. In the lukewarm mixture, add the melted chocolate, orange crust and orange juice. (Meringue has to be completely, 100% cool.). Pour in the mixture, flatten it slightly and bake at 180 C degrees for about 20-25-30 minutes. Today’s dark chocolate orange cake with meringue, is no exception. Mix 3-4 minutes on high, then transfer the bowl into the pot. It is one of the culinary legends and every woman needs to make it at least once in her life. My gratitude goes out to both! There are 3 separate parts to it: the cake, the nut filling, and the meringue frosting. In a medium size bowl, using a hand held mixer at medium speed, beat egg whites to stiff peaks. In a large mixing bowl mix butter until soft with a hand mixer. Tale torta velja za eno najbolj znamenitih srbskih sladic, večinoma jo pripravljajo za družinske slovesnosti. Dark chocolate orange cake with meringue, also known as Vaso’s cake or Vaso’s torte (Vasina torta) is the best Serbian traditional cake, beloved in the Balkans. Tweeten. She insisted cake was best when the three layers are left alone, and the fourth and final layer made entirely of dark chocolate, for Jaffa effect. But have you ever wondered - … With a wooden spatula add egg yolk mixture to egg whites. Pažljivo savijte u smesu sa žumancima.Zagrejte rernu na 170 C. Stavite papir u pravougaoni pleh za pečenje. Tražite recepte? Whatever you decide, test it ahead for consistency. It’s magic! Start by mixing on low for one minute, then finish off with 2-3 minutes on high or until firm peaks form. Mix in flour, nuts and grated chocolate and gently mix with the wooden spoon. Za spremanje poslastice neophodno je pripremiti jaja, šećer, orah, brašno, pomorandžu, žumanca, mleko. I have one but apparently all details are not here. This recipe heavily relied on Vaso’s cake recipes by Jelena from food for thought food blog as well as The Big National Cookbook (a classic Yugoslavian cookbook). Article by Jessica Tyson. The breaded schnitzel is popular in many countries and made using veal, pork, chicken, mutton, beef, turkey, cheese or textured vegetable protein as a vegetarian or vegan alternative. Get new content delivered directly to your inbox! 1/2 cup water . DATUM I VREME: 25.12.2020. Tortes are more complicated to make, but the moisture factor, substance and taste are lightyears ahead of sponge cakes. Narendati na sitno rende koru pomorandže i iscediti sok od nje. (VIDEO) Koliko je oduševljen i receptom i načinom pripreme govori i video koji je objavio na svom Instagramu. Thanks. Orasi su na sve strane. Srpska torta čiji recept datira još iz davne 1908. godine i suspect most of you, like,... Nuts, milk, margarine and some sugar, and bring to a sauce.. 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